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Ed remembers his doctoral supervisor
Prof. Ken Seddon OBE Memorial Symposium, Belfast September 14, 2018/ People
Ed Constable wird neues Titularmitglied der IUPAC (in German)
Der Chemiker Prof. Ed Constable, Vizerektor Forschung der Universität Basel, ist neues Titularmitglied der Abteilung VIII der International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
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Publication highlight
Copper(I) and silver(I) complexes of 9,9-dimethyl-4,5-bis(di-tert-butylphosphino)xanthene: photophysical properties and structural rigidity under pressure
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Publication highlight
CF3 Substitution of [Cu(P^P)(bpy)][PF6] Complexes: Effects on Photophysical Properties and Light‐Emitting Electrochemical Cell Performance
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Sarah Keller wins 2017 Albert Hofmann PhD Award
Sarah Keller, a 4th year PhD student in the group of Professors Housecroft and Constable, has won one of the 2017 Albert Hofmann PhD Awards for Excellence in Research.
/ Research
Clean Energy From Water
Fuel cells generate electrical energy through a chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen. To obtain clean energy, the splitting of water into its components of hydrogen and oxygen is critical. Researchers at the University of Basel study…
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Publication highlight
2-Dimensional networks assembled using 4'-functionalized 4,2':6',4''-terpyridines and Co(NCS)2
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Publication highlight
Manipulating connecting nodes through remote alkoxy chain variation in coordination networks with 4'-alkoxy-4,2':6',4''-terpyridine linkers
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Publication highlight
A 3-dimensional {42.84} lvt net built from a ditopic bis(3,2':6',3''-terpyridine) tecton bearing long alkyl tails